Staying true to the game means we honor our roots. While the suits were looking for their corporate funding and paying lobbyists, we were cooking in the lab, honing the craft, and serving up extracts for real heads.

In 2012, before cannabis was legal or concentrates were mainstream, a crew of cannabis and hip-hop heads came together at a small facility in a secret location with a single goal: to make the best extracts possible.
We crossed iconic strains, offered up unique terp profiles, and changed the game by constantly evolving and showing what OG cannabis knowledge could offer the industry - Exotic, Terpy, high-THC extracts to serve the people that really love cannabis.

As our extraction skills grew, so did the brand. Endgame has a reputation coast to coast for quality, authenticity, and consistency in everything we do. Rep the set and be part of our extended family with our season one collection.